
Digital Dynasty: Fouz Al Fahad

Fouz Al Fahad the Kuwaiti social media phenomenon is introducing the brand APM Monaco. Created by a female founder and her son in Monaco, Monte-Carlo, 1982. Today the CEO of APM Monaco, together with his wife Kika Prette, the Creative Director, have decided to partner with Fouz Al Fahad, one the most influential entrepreneurs of her generation to be the first female Middle Eastern face of the brand.

L'Officiel Arabia: You joined social media back in 2013 and you gained immediate popularity. Why did you decide to join and what were your aspirations?

Fouz Al Fahad: I did not have any plans when I started social media. It was more a genuine decision of sharing my love for fashion, makeup and the beauty Industry. Those are things that I have always been passionate about. I guess popularity came along the way because those were subjects that I am passionate about. I guess whenever you do something from within whether it is social media or anything else if you are passionate about it, the rest just shines through.

L'O A: What’s the role of social media in this generation?

FAF: Well, I feel like we are at a crossroads of generations now. When I started social media, it was the beginning of it. It was a new tool we had to learn and understand. I and the girls back then had to build a whole new career in a whole new field at the time. Even if most of us started on social media without thinking of what it would become. This new generation was born with social media, they don’t know any different. I feel like our experience has created new opportunities for this younger generation, it gave a voice to minorities, it also helped to gain direct information about anything that happens around the world within seconds and last but not least it created infinite career possibilities for entrepreneurs. I want to think of social media as a new tool of self-advertisement and information source. And that’s what it should be.


L'O A: How did you start collaborating with APM Monaco? 

FAF: APM was a real niche brand back then so when they started social media collaboration, they also wanted niche influencers to represent the brand. One of my collaborators thought that the brand was going to do good in the Middle East and we decides to taste water together. I am proud to say that we did a very good job introducing the brand to the Middle East market together and I am really happy to be a part of the APM Monaco family.

L'O A: What are your favorite pieces of the brand?

FAF: Well, it’s like asking a kid what their favorite candy is. Kika Prette the artistic director of the brand is a real visionnaire and everything she designs and decides to launch is well-studied. She always finds a way to create the perfect balance between creating timeless collections but also responds to her audience's needs by always making sure to match the trends of today. Currently, I am really in love with the Yummy collection which became a part of the brand's DNA. I think it matches a lot of different setups.


L'O A: How do you style them?

FAF: Well, it depends on what is the occasion and what my mood is. This is also one of the reasons the Yummy Collection is one of my absolute favorites. You can wear it with very casual outfits, but it can also match evening occasions like if you have a girlfriend's dinner you can easily change how you wear the neckless for example by just adjusting the size of the chain, which is very practical for someone like me who is having different roles in one day.

L'O A: You are an amazing entrepreneur but also a makeup and fashion mogul - what message do you want to deliver with your pictures and tutorials?

FAF: This is a tough one because there are many things. First of all, I hope it set an example for the younger generation and show them that as long as you work hard enough you can accomplish everything. No dream is ever too big. I also want to help this new generation to feel good and confident. You fashion and your makeup are how you decide to present yourself to the world, and I hope through my work I can help people feel more confident about how they are and help them build their identity.


L'O A: You are also a mother, is it hard to balance your career and your motherhood? 

FAF: Don’t tell me about it! It can be pretty tough. Actually, what was the hardest for me is “the mom guilt”. My job implies that I go back and forth to so many meetings, appointments, the travelling back and forth. So, it was hard for me to not feel guilty, I sometimes had the feeling of being a bad mother for not spending those times with my kids. But I guess it is a transition and you learn how to navigate through it with time. Today I have learned to manage my time and my life around my kids because they are my priority. In the meantime, I now feel very proud of the example I am setting for my kids by being an active woman who is working towards her dreams and goals.

L’O A: What advice you can give to women who want to launch their career and become successful entrepreneurs?

FAF: The best advice I have received when I was younger that helped me was : 

Take action. Stop thinking too much about this thing you want to do, just go and do it. Because the most time you will spend thinking about it is time you took away from moving towards it. Go do it, just take action. 

Failure is your best teacher. Don’t be afraid to fail it is part of the journey to success, embrace it and learn from it.

Make a plan, because dreams without a plan are just dreams. Take your idea and develop all the steps that will lead you to your goal and never take your eyes off your price.


L’O A: What are your next projects?

FAF: RETIREMENT (laugh) Just kidding! I am now really focusing on developing new products for my makeup line which takes a lot of time and energy. But I would also like to create more products of my own.



Model Fouz Al Fahad for APM MONACO @therealfouz

Jewelry Exclusively by APM MONACO @apmmonaco

Director Samir Aboukhadija @forevermrsam